Honest, Reliable manual therapy & personal training in wanstead.

Hi, I’m Mustapha. 


I’ve always been enthusiastic about staying active but, unfortunately, I could never escape the setbacks that injuries bought. If I had aches or pain I would visit my GP but I always left feeling like my questions had not been answered and often i was told time and rest was the best healer.

Through trial & error I found my saviour(s) in Manual Therapists who were able to do incredible work, restoring my body’s optimal function, and giving me the personal insight to why I was getting injured so I could develop & continue with my life without the fear of re-injury or episodic pain.

I pursued a degree in Osteopathy at university and successfully achieved a BSc In Osteopathic studies. This gave me the understanding & structure necessary to appreciate body dysfunctions in the context of an entire individual. Our bodies actually possess a lot of the materials necessary to recover. Through hands on treatment and deliberate & targeted rehabilitation we can create the best possible environment for the bodies own systems to work effectively.

I  furthered my skill set by becoming a sports massage therapist (Level 5) and a strength & conditioning coach.  I offer a complete package of care for all my clients whether you have an injury and want to get better or if your simply looking to becoming a healthier version of yourself. 



  •  Strength | Agility | Flexibility | Coordination
  • Our sessions incorporate a blend of enjoyable multi-joint movements and exercises which make you functional and capable in any environment. We have a keen interest in modifying exercises to your current ability. 
  • We train people a wide array of people but we also specialise in training Pregnant women &  Older clients. Through specialist courses and industry experience we have developed programmes which are safe & effective, eliminating guess work often used by inexperienced trainers.
  •  Motioncare can also help to create a rehabilitation programme for people who’ve been injured and want to return to a a pre injury level of activity. Just send us a messaging detailing your needs and we will create a bespoke programme following a thorough consultation and assessment process.
  • We leverage an extensive knowledge of anatomy & biomechanics gained through a BSc in Osteopathic Studies & Sports Science Qualifications accredited by:
  • Muscle Injury |  Joint Stiffness | Reduced mobility
  • The foundation of our holistic care starts with professional hands-on treatment. We combine Osteopathic manual therapy techniques & Sports Massage with our specialist qualifications (listed below) to ensure high recovery success rates.
  • Manual therapy reduces muscular tension & improves soft tissue (muscular & connective tissue) health by promoting the body’s natural ability to adapt, heal & coordinate movement through the use external Stimuli (hands on techniques & corrective exercises). 
  • We incorporate solid Clinical reasoning & evidence based practice in our treatment approach not snake oil & fallacies here.

what we can treat:


If you've experienced: Sharp stabbing pain | Dull aching | Grabbing sensation | Stiffness or soreness | Limited neck movement | Tension headaches.

We can help relieve your symptoms & provide strategies to get better.


Do you have, Painful posture | Muscle sprains | Sciatica| Spasms or stiffness | Tight lower back muscles:

We have your back!


Whether you have: A frozen shoulder| Impingement | Rotator cuff tears | Lack of mobility | Pain when you sleep.

Manual therapy and exercise strategies to help reduce your symptoms &  your recovery time.



  • Elbow and wrist injuries are common, and are usually caused by either overuse or acute trauma such as a fall onto the hands. 
  • Carpal tunnel and other neurological conditions can be frightening, but there are things we can do to help regain your functionality.


The hip acts as a halfway point between the upper and lower body. Issues associated with the hip occur for all age groups, whether you are active or sedentary, you may develop a hip condition which requires a holistic treatment approach to rectify.


Whether you have: Aches | Ankle sprains | Achilles | Plantar fasciitis | Ankle immobility | Shin splints | Knee pain | Quad or hamstring tear etc.

We have extensive experience treating and rehabing lower limb injuries.

what we are up to: